Monday, January 25, 2010

Catching Tigers In Red Weather

This phrase is infinitesimal in meaning, because it has a different meaning for everyone. It is generally described as the pursuit of something rare or desired (or both). For someone in particular, it may be trying to find members of the quickly disappearing tiger species. For me, it is the pursuit of being the best at everything I do - no exceptions. This can be seen as a blessing, or a flaw, depending on whether one likes to be as hyper-competitive as I am. For Robert Frost it can be to describe the perfect nature scene in one of his poems. For Kobe Bryant it manifests itself in dropping 40 with 10 assists every game. And yet it might also be to catch the tiger in your dream as you lie asleep on a boat with your boots on. Whatever it is, it is always elusive and does not always appear as you had imagined.

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