Friday, January 29, 2010


Today we were told that we were all boring. Kind of depressing, isn't it? And you might even be dillusional enough to think that were true if you had listened to the professor's description of our lives. Luckily for me, not only am I a bad listener, but I also disagree with it to such extent that words do no justice to how I feel about it. But I'll try.

Trying to fool people that they are boring is in my opinion an odd thing to do. To disprove that statement, remember the last time you were with your friends before you left to college, your best friends and the people who know more about your than your parents do. What did you do? Chances are that you didn't do anything that would look exciting on paper. Maybe you watched a movie together, ate at your favorite place, or shared your last joint together, I'm not going to judge. Someone looking in from the outside would say that it looks like you had an ordinary day. But what would they know? How would they have any idea how significant that day was to you? Those raindrops falling on your head the last day you were with your best friends may seem like simple precipitation to an outsider, but for you they were a subtle reminder of how short of a time you have left, watching the clock of your childhood reach the end, knowing all that you knew before was going to change.

So to that stranger looking in, you had an ordinary day. But to you, you had experienced one of the most memorable and life-changing days of your life, one which would be so vivid that you would take it to the grave, and possibly even after that. This is what I mean when I say that nobody's life is boring. Not one day gone by doesn't have a significance to us, whether we remember it or not. The point is, every single day that you have gone through has changed you in some way, even if you don't remember what you had for breakfast two days ago. To say that day was boring is to say your whole life journey is nothing but a note on a paper, to be examined and judged to be unimportant and mundane. And that simply isn't fair to those people.

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