Monday, February 1, 2010

My Wierd Dream

I've had a very odd and horrific dream twice. It starts off with me at my friend's apartment back in Russia (my friend lived one floor up from me). Me and my friend Igor are talking, and suddenly we get a supernatural chill and both look at the fridge. We both feel a presence there that doesn't make sense, it is difficult to explain. Think of a Jedi sensing a disturbance in the force, except we weren't Jedi. But it would be pretty sweet if we were, now that would be a dream I'd like to have more than once.

Anyways, we both feel this presence, and start moving towards the fridge. Then suddenly my friend turns to me, and with a completely serious face sais "It posesses people", as if he knew what it was. Suddenly, his grandmother, who was lying on the sofa, starts shaking demonically, as if in the grips of a terrible seizure. My friend is still standing there, completely focused on me, completely disregarding the fact that his grandmother is being posessed by this evil force. I see his grandmother go still, and know at that moment who the force is going to go for next. I run out of the room, as fast as my legs can carry me, flying around corners, as I feel the demonic spirit nip at the back of my head. Down the stairs I go, skipping four steps a jump, hoping and praying I can get back to my apartment before I end up as my friend's grandmother did. I fling open the door with all my might, and fly inside, slamming the door and latching both locks with a flustered alacrity. Just as the second lock is in, the door slams and bends at the edges, almost unable to contain the incredible force from the other side. I wake up.

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