Monday, February 22, 2010

A Good Man Is Hard To Find?

This quotation intrigues me, as I have no idea what it means. What, by definition, is a good man? Is it a buff, heroic, grizzled male with a statuesque figure who fishes, hunts, and has more hair on his chest than on his head? Or is it a sensitive turtle-neck wearing coffee shop revolutionary? Who really knows what a "good man" is?

The truth in this situation is the fact that it is not hard to find a good mate, but that in human psychology, it is innately greener on the other side. Despite our higher intelligence and Ipods, we are still very much animal. And animals (for the most part) do not stay with the same mate their entire life. So we are not intended to, either. It is the greatest challenge next to raising a child our species experiences, and it invariably makes one of the partners question why they are with the person they are with, even though they once loved them. It is not that a good man is hard to find, but rather that our psyche is not meant to handle one personality from marriage to the end of our lives. Think about when you had a favorite toy, and one day you got tired of that toy and asked your mother or father for another toy. When you got that new toy you thought life couldn't get any better than this, but the cycle simply repeated. The situation with mating is the same; we like a certain person for a certain amount of time, but after that time is over, it is like the expiration date on the milk- it is simply, by nature, time to move on. Yet we do not, either because we do not want to go through with the legal tribulation of divorce, or because we do not want our children to have to experience a life without two parents, so we are locked into a lifestyle we weren't meant to live, and be with a partner we realistically, as a mammal, are not meant to be with for extended periods of time.

So in conclusion, it is not that males are inherently difficult to put up with, but that we should all go through at least one generation where males run around to every woman, courting her and having a child, and then moving on to the next within a year or so. Then we should go back to the whole stupid marriage thing, and see how much better life as a primal being really is. Wouldn't that rock though?

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