Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 2nd

I woke up at 6 a.m. to my annoyingly loud alarm. Shutting it off, I thought I could get thirty winks without falling asleep again - how wrong I was. I awoke again at 7:30 and started hastily preparing for my Human Development class. It was the type of class that meets once a week, expects students to actually learn something, and drills us on exams with material we were supposed to look at "outside of class", load of horse crap, I know. In any case, I walked to class amid other half-awake students and tried not to slip on the icy paths. When I got to class, I pulled out my notebook and prepared for the onslaught of presentations that would invariably end up on the exams, and started writing down all the notes as fast as my hand would go without tearing the paper. That's just how lecture classes are - you get Carpal tunnel writing notes or you fail the course.

8:50. Good, time to go to bowling. Yes, I have bowling class, and I love the break from actual work. The other guys that are usually in my lane don't even try, and most of the time we talk about football or the upcoming draft. I tell them "The Raiders should just pick Tebow for kicks" - this garnered laughter, because Tim was probably the best college football player of all-time, but unfortunately his pro stock is low because he doesn't have a quick release (but he is still a great QB). After class I relaxed and read some more Ovid's Metamorphoses, the book assigned in my other literature class. Lunch goes by fairly quickly, and amid some studying, dinner does too. 6 rolls along, and its time to get ready for boxing.

Boxing is my greatest passion, the only sport I have ever been fully committed to, and fortunately I am very good at it. I have trained with former and current pro fighters - including a pro boxer and one of my hometown friends who fought in the UFC. The workout goes very well, and we practice some strafing and duck unders to finish off the day. To wrap up my tuesday, I watch some Family Guy and go to sleep to the sound of my Ipod.

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