Saturday, February 6, 2010

Earliest Memory

My earliest memory isn't much - I was playing with my toy soldiers and I asked my mom if I could go to my friend's house. She said I could only if I put all the toy soldiers back in their tub. Yeah, the toy soldiers had their own tub. It was camo.

Also, I've had times where I would look at a home video or a picture of things I did before this earliest memory, and I would recall them. Isn't that odd? It proves how little humans know about themselves. I think it is ironic that we call this the age of information, consider ourselves intelligent life forms, and yet we know so very little about our own psyche. To prove this, scientists still do not know why we yawn or why we dream. Hell, we don't even know how we got here. Our best scientific theory so far consists of an enormous explosion that somehow occurred out of nothing - yeah, nothing. It would be a pretty swank theory except that it isn't.. you know.... possible. And then those crazy biologists are telling us that our only purpose in life is to make babies. To me, it sounds like our entire species is collectively saying things we know absolutely nothing about. To all those supposed scientists, I'm going to remind them Socrates' most famous theme - to be the wisest and most intelligent is to realize that you know almost nothing. So while our information age is sitting around concocting more ingenious ideas about explosions out of nothing and making more babies, I'm going to sit here and think about the time when I played with my toy soldiers. Those were good times.

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