Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is it better to travel to places or read about them?

Before I start this post, we need to remember those 1968 lyrics by Marvin Gaye - "Ain't nothing like the real thing".

This holds true in my opinion. Reading about a culture or place is good because you are enlightened about the world. But do you really experience the culture? Does the ink on the pages really let you see, hear, smell, breathe in the sights and sounds of the place it is describing? I do not think that it does, and to find this out all one needs to do is read about my corner of the world, southeastern Alaska. In fact, read all the books, newspaper articles, online travel blogs, or any other media about the area and think of how it made you feel. And then go here. It truly is nothing like the books, and on the chance that you get here when the sun comes out, you will see the rays of the sun penetrate the air and it will be unlike anything you will ever see. The snow-capped mountains will contrast with the overlying dense forests, and you will see the ocean connect the many islands. The thick, salty coastal air will fill your lungs and you will feel a sense of calmness about you. Even as I write this description down I know that those of you reading will never truly understand what I mean until you come and see it for real.

And while you should read about a particular area to know about the factual information of the place, there really ain't nothing like the real thing.

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