Monday, March 29, 2010

The Tragic Sense Of Life

It is fairly difficult for me to think in the tragic sense of life, as I have been very fortunate in my life. I have had close breaks that have turned out in my favor so many times that I am almost sure that a saint is looking after me. However, I believe anyone can do this, since as a race we tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive, because we believe the positive is the intended status quo and how things should be at all times, so we are interrupted by the negative that breaks this balance and causes us to focus on it.

Tragically, the human race is a race of idiots, corrupt politicians, ignorant fools, and otherwise evil persons. There are people that murder dozens, hundreds, and even millions on a whim or sometimes for no reason at all. We are the only race of mammals that, instead of creating a natural balance with our surroundings and environment, destroy everything we see and every place we inhabit. In this sense, humans are a virus, a stain on this planet that will most likely be its destruction. The vast majority of the population of this planet is so ridiculously stupid that it has been shown a majority of middle school children cannot find their own state on a map of the United States. This, I believe, is the greatest crime a human being can commit - not rape or murder, but being so ignorant and stupid that they do not even realize how ignorant they are. And many of these people think that they know everything! The tragic truth is, their greatest and most heroic moment in life will be the one they spend just before they die and realize how pathetic and worthless their vile existence has been, and how much better everyone around them will be once they pass. That helpless moment, and their inevitable death, eventually puts out one more ignorant fool, which is a good start. The even more tragic truth is that the few real, interesting, and worthy people that have lived on this planet die much too early, and all we are left after their death is this crowd of stupid, brainless, immoral mass of sheep and cattle we otherwise call people. You know if you are one of them, or one of the truly special people that others around you will be happy they knew in their lives.

There, I tried my best at being dark and tragic. Pretty good, right?

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