Thursday, April 8, 2010

Old Karamazov Readings Pt. 5

Book 6:

This is a very interesting part of the novel, and not only because Zosima dies. It is intriguing to know that Zosima was once a military man and converted to Christianity through an epiphany he had on the morning of a duel he was supposed to have between him and a man that was due to marry Zosima's love. It is a refreshing change from the brooding of Book 5, where the murder is planned and all but done.

The best part of this novel is when Zosima said that monks are extremely important to Russian people. What he said is true. As a Russian citizen I can back up his claim that the monk is closest to the common people. Maybe it is because Christianity is much more important to my people, but when a Russian man or woman has a problem or something is bugging them, they don't pay a certified psychologist and lay on a sofa to talk about their problems, instead they go to the church. We rely on our religion, and it has worked for us very well. The monks are our counselors and those who will stop to help anyone, no matter how evil.

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