Thursday, April 8, 2010

Old Karamazov Readings Pt. 6

Book 7:

This brief book, although is not physically long, explains much about the development of Alyosha's faith. He, along with the rest of the church, is befuddled that the body of Zosima, instead of paving the way for a miracle, unleashes a great odor upon the people.

He then meets with Grushenka, with Rakitin's prodding, and speaks to her about her personality. He tells her that she is not a bad person, and her realization of this has allowed Alyosha to regain his faith. His dream is revealing in the sense that we can see that, while Alyosha is somewhat insecure with his feelings, he has the strength of will to overcome that insecurity.

Short blog post I know, but this is my third in a row in one sitting and I'm running out of ideas. Plus this was a short book so don't criticize me!

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