Saturday, April 10, 2010

Old Karamazov Readings Pt. 8

Book 9:

This book is an investigation into the sins of Dmitri Karamazov. It is actually quite appalling how evil Dmitri is without even realizing it. He has struck an innocent man almost to death, he has stolen money from the woman he left, he uncontrollably pursued Grushenka, and lied to everyone he could about everything he did. However, he did not kill Fyodor. I knew this before I even finished the book. All one has to do is look into the literary techniques employed by Dostoyevsky.

In the previous book, we were presented with a situation where Dmitri was broke, and then a short while later somehow became very wealthy. This missing piece of the story is a writing technique called and ellipsis - where part of the action is not told to arouse the suspicions and biases of the reader. What we are to assume is that Dmitri stole the money from his father and then killed him. However, we have to remember that he found out his father was not seeing Grushenka, and he did not know his father had 3,000 rubles stashed otherwise he would probably have stolen it long before this time. This is why he is not guilty of the crime, but the officials do not know this, so he is kept at the station for a trial.

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